Thursday, July 31, 2008

Paintball its what I do...

So I was cruising and found a little paintball clip done be G4. I decided to add it here so that all of you that have no real clue what paintball is can develop atleast a basic knowledge that I am not a psycho military nut.

Any how...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Two weeks from work,,,but not really...

Well I am headed home after spending a week in Chicago and a week in Pennsylvania. I am glad to be heading home but I am not sure If I want to go back to work. These two weeks of checking emails and remoteing into my office computer are all for not. Upon returning to work they said that I was 7.5 hours short of vacation time, and that because I was not sick I could not use any if my sick time. Keep in mind that in 9 months of working for them I have not called in sick to work once. Now that I am one day of no pay I have to work longer over the next week to make up the hours I "missed."

Chocolate at 30,000 ft...

Well here I am crushing at thirty thousand feet on my way to Chicago. Just finishing Tim Ferriss's book the 4 hour work week. I am now kicked back and pondering the information I absorbed. Going into this trip I was really worried that all hell was going to break loose while I am gone. While I am away in Chicago for a paintball tournament then off to Pennsylvania to celebrate my grandmothers 90 illustrious years. My job and my responsibilities would go to the ways side. I am trying to finish a help file for a piece of government software, planning a meeting for the company in a location I no little about and all without my laptop. Now I know that this will be a trial by fire for Tims idea of mobility. For the next ten days I am going to try my best to do things according to Tim's rules. I am currently in day 5 of the two week media blackout and really it doesn't bother me to much. I have noticed that I enjoy my hour of video entertainment a lot more using the on demand videos from hulu and NBC etc. I am not completely without technology I do have my trusty Iphone. I am now using it to keep in touch. I am checking emails but only twice a day. I have removed my work email from the settings and contemplating taking off my gmail account also, but let's not get crazy quite yet. I may not make it. I am already feeling helpless without a laptop, to the extent that I may buy a macbook air during this trip if I think I will have the disposable income for it.

But even with all these doubts about the trip and my ability to slow down, I have already noticed a calm from just siting here and thinking about his ideas eating my mini chocolate bar from ail lunch. Starring out the window wondering where the sky ends and the earth begins.

I have hit that magic 6 month plateau that I hit almost every time I start another job. This one I stretch into a 9month hitch but that was because I was pulling my self. Putting more and more static into my day until my whole day was static. Just w4w sake. Now i realize that all my goals need to change. I am actually going to see if I can create a dreamline that I will aspire to fulfill.

This is going to be great in a very scary way. So keep tuned. I actually think this may be the best chocolate bar I have ever ate. And dreams are easy to find if you look down on the clouds, not hoping to reach them.

Life in Stupidity....

This is amazing. I went to pay my full amount and the cashier would not take it. I had to wait for a payment specialist filling out my financial history with the cash sitting in my pocket. They need the probation paperwork and all the crap but the wait time was like 1+ hours and it was unbelievable. Why can I not come in and go directly to the cashier pay the total amount and move on. The entire system should be networked to the extent that once I leave the court I can log into the site and electronically pay the court costs. Then if payments are needed you can talk to a specialist about payment arrangements. Any cash bond would automatically be credited to the balance and the need for another hearing would not be needed. Also reducing the docket.

So in summation. Don't take the breathilizer and old give blood if the judge mandates it. Always try for the ALR hearing it will make your insurance hustles easier. 12 + hours in jail without any food.

When you go to the collections people Make sure to have your probation application because they do not have the terms of your paperwork in the collections department.

Man I need to find a way to make a bid for a more efficient court and courtroom and system. Along with the collections system. Digital signage and the like.

Wow the time I spent waiting was the worst part of the day. Arrive at 930 am wait until 1130 to actually speak to the judge. The wait in collections to pay my court fines 201 and still waiting. Who knows how long to probation office. Now I will have to work on Saturday just so that I will not have to use any vacation time.

Probation what can I say. I report after getting out of court and thy tell me to come back at 10 the next day for orientation. Okay, that is reasonable. Then they give me a 15 synapses of he rules of probation. Not that informative. Then they say to reread the rules to familiarize myself with them. Wow a complete real waste of my time. Then for the next 10 minuets I sit and listen to the two officers complain about how every Thursday the managers are out of the office. Then the officer starts looking at the paperwork for one person and realize that it is not all correct and takes off to get the correct paperwork. He could have put that file aside to finish the others and then come back to the incomplete files. All this just to get a booklet telling me when to come back. I really need to get my PO's email to start emendating him or her with emails for the travel needs for Chicago, Pittsburg, and Orlando for sure. Well when this is done then I get to find out about community service.