Saturday, November 15, 2008

A name that should never be.

When I got home tonight I decided to watch an episode of ER on

The lead character talks about how when people loose there parents they are called orphans. When you loose a spouse you are called a widower. When you loose a battle: a survivor. But there is no name for you if you loose a child. I think that is name that should never be.

When very very bad things like this happen, you can not have a name for it. That name would mean that this has happened enough times to actually want to create a name for the action. Loosing a child is very trying and hard time for any parent. Couple this with wondering as to why the parent survived, and why didn't they protect there kids. With the grief that someone so promising was cut so short. Parents are forced to see the friends of their children grown and always wonder what their child would have grown to be. This does not only effect those who lost young children. Any parent should not have to outlive their child. Not at 5 years, 20 years or 60 years.

Maybe we should have a name for these people; a name we can whisper to our neighbor during a party. "Oh there goes Jane, she is a so-and-so." "Oh really, I will make sure not to talk about my little Bobby." Blah Blah Blah.

Nah, screw that. Having that name would only make the Parent have to live with pain over and over again. They should embrace the child they had, they should cherish the time they had with the child, they should relish in the fact that they had the pleasure to come to know the child. Finally, I have found a word for them...Proud.

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